I collaborated with two other students, Damian Mandapat and James Dunn (email at jamesdunn3102@gmail.com); our team incorporated feedback from our professor and classmates. After examining our user surveys and initial analysis, we concluded that our app should be focused on the user’s need to find and buy products that are on sale without going to the store.

Our UX persona prioritized finding quality produce quickly, and was unlikely to buy products that they weren’t familiar with, especially in large quantities. Initial prototypes, based on our user flow diagrams and vision boards, featured banners that displayed what products were on sale and a navigation bar. However, users who tested the prototype said the navigation bar had confusing iconography and felt cluttered. We took our users’ feedback and developed more prototypes (annotated wireframes are featured in the slides to the left).

The project concluded that more user interviews and simpler designs elements would be needed before launching the app.

Here is a link to the prototype.